Woyy, got the inventory system working for my game now. You can now change between 25+ equips and purchase, sell 30+ items that can be used for getting money or making things, switch between 8 unique weapons & change between 5 powerful overdrives. All I have to do is set up the construction of items menu and I'm finished with everything inventory related (y) .
I'll probably put up a list of items with their relevant information and how things work at some point. But yeah, for the meantime, my current game is about 20% complete. Progress should go much faster now though as the majority of the core mechanics are now created it's a case of bulking out the build.
So yeah, I;ve heard quite a few positive things about this game and occasionally seen in it shops but not actually bothered buying it. Finally I have it and I've started playing it it. Only about an hour in, the gameplay was pretty fun at first but I'm worried it might get repetitive, the characters seem slightly annoying and pretty damn archetypal but meh, they might end up getting further developed (hopefully). The narrative and exploration seems pretty linear, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but if the gameplay keeps on being repetitive could get tedious. The game has a nice amount of depth though, seems like there's quite a bit to do and I like the fact that there aren't random battle encounters. I find the world's ascetically pleasing, although the cut scene's aren't brilliant and a few too many if you ask me. All in all it's still pretty fun, and I'll refrain from making any further judgement until I play it more. But yeah, seems decent.